Story Circle members receive the following benefits:
Membership in a listserv just for Story Circle members where you can annouce upcoming gigs and other events of interest, and ask questions about storytelling.
If you offer storytelling programs, you can get a free web page describing your programs along with your contact information and a photo - see the
current listing of storytellers and click on a few to see what these pages look like.
Most summers, a 3 hour workshop on some aspect of storytelling is offered. Story Circle members only pay $10 to attend, non-members pay $20.
To join Story Circle, please send the information listed below plus a $10.00 check made out to "Story Circle" to:
Kate Dudding, 8 Sandalwood Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065-2700
Street Address
Zip Code
( ) I wish to be a member of Story Circle, and I enclose a check for $10.00 to receive a roster of members and become part of the Story Circle listserv.
( ) I wish to be listed among performing storytellers for referral. (See
Storytellers for examples of this information.)
If you have a digital photo of yourself, please email it to
Kate Dudding. If you don't have a digital photo, US mail a photo to Kate; she will scan it into her computer, crop any extraneous people out of the photo, then return the photo to you: Kate Dudding, 8 Sandalwood Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065-2700
Dues are $10:00 per year.
Membership renewals are due each January and are good for one year.