Speakers Bureau
At regularly scheduled professional
and community meetings of business and civic leaders,
Story Circle's Speakers Bureau can provide
brief educational presentations
about storytelling and its values, uses, and forms. A special emphasis of these presentations is
how storytelling is used in business, professional and educational settings.
Some of the presentations available are:
How to tell a good story
Using stories to enrich and strengthen presentations
Using stories to capture your students’ attention
Stories at Work: How to create, tell, and use stories with groups and organizations
Stories and internal communications
Using story to strengthen your organization’s culture
Below are links to bios of our speakers. To schedule a presentation for your group,
please contact
Kate Dudding kate@katedudding.com (518) 383-4620 who will find a speaker suitable for your group.
Alden T. (Joe) Doolittle
Kate Dudding
Nancy Marie Payne
Sandy Schuman