Story Sundays
Dear Story Circle and friends of storytelling:
We have been pleased by the reception of Story Sundays over the years from our audience and the storytellers. The ambience and menu of the Glen Sanders have been a real boost to our success as well. This fall, attendance has fallen off sharply. We’ve had to cancel two dinners. In the past few seasons, we’ve come close to having to cancel other dinners. This has caused us to evaluate how we continue with an appealing, tasteful venue.
Our observations are that our base has aged, our cost has crept up, and our productions seem to go better with an active producing partner or sponsor. We believe we need to develop a new series, costing less and attracting additional people.
We held the final Story Sunday on January 28, 2018 “Stories of a World of Wonder“ with the Three Spirits: Kent Busman, Alden (Joe) Doolittle, and Harlan Ratmeyer at the Scotia Reformed Church with scrumptious dessert.
We would welcome any feedback or thoughts you might have. And appreciate your active interest and support over the last nineteen years. Stay tuned.
Much good cheer,
Kate Dudding and Joe Doolittle
Producers, Story Circle at Proctors