Story Circle
Throughout the ages, stories have been passed by tellers to their families, and traveled with them from village to village, country to country, and across the world. Storytellers collect, create, and share tales which help those who listen to see their own world in different ways, and to journey into new lands and other times.
Now, in an increasingly impersonal world, this age-old tradition is growing in popularity. Storytelling never completely died out in this country; it continued in rural areas and within some families. However, in the 1970's, storytellers started telling stories in new places, such as the first
National Storytelling Festival.
Goals of The Story Circle of the Capital District
The Story Circle of the Capital District of New York State was established in 1983:
1. to provide an opportunity for members to tell stories before a live audience;
2. to provide an opportunity to hear stories told;
3. to provide the community with a roster of active storytellers;
4. to bring the art of storytelling to the public eye and ear; and
5. to encourage beginning storytellers.
To meet these goals, Story Circle members:
meet once a month on the third Tuesday or Wednesday;
2. maintain a membership list;
3. pay dues of $10.00 annually, payable in January, to support Talespinner and copying costs and help underwrite workshops for members;
4. produce an annual storytelling concert for adults each November:
Tellabration. Tellabration is a benefit concert, and through its proceeds, Story Circle each year funds community storytelling programs in libraries, museums and at community events. The Community Storytelling Program Fund Committee publicizes the grant program, receives applications, reviews applications and awards grants. Over 100
storytelling programs have been funded by these grants;
5. invite the public to attend all Story Circle meetings and events by news releases before each;
6. maintain a web site ( which includes a
Roster of Storytellers available for public or private event performances; and
7. have information available for prospective members or members of the public. Info may be obtained by contacting Bonnie Mion at (518) 756-8091.
Members tell their stories to all ages; in parks, museums, and nursing homes; in libraries, schools, and coffeehouses; in religious settings, art galleries, colleges and at public meetings, at corporate and community events, at birthday parties, weddings and anniversaries--wherever adults or children or families gather to enjoy a spellbinding tale.
Adults and youth twelve and over who are interested in practicing a new story or listening to the story sharing are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.