Facilitator Guidelines
What Does a Story Circle Facilitator Do?
Our Goal: the most stories and the most fun with the most courtesy and the least wasted time
The Facilitator:
- Arrives at 6:50 in Colonie and 6:00 in Albany
- Displays informative stuff, i.e. sample Talespinner, Goal Statement, brochures, flyers, publications about storytelling events, paper and pencil to write upcoming events for the Talespinner.
- Has paper and pen ready for attendance and story sign-up sheets. Gives to each new arrival and makes sure it gets to everyone.
Sample Heading for Attendance Sheet
| Address (for first timers who will receive a sample Talespinner if requested here)
Sample Heading for Story Sign-up Sheet
Name | Story Title | Time | Story Source
| 1.
| 2.
| 3.
| 4.
| etc.
- Sees that 12-15 chairs are in a circle
- Greets each new arrival, welcoming newcomers
- Begins at 7:00 in Colonie and 6:15 at Guilderland
- Introduces self as facilitator
- Invites each to give name and town and talk, in two or three sentences, about a topic selected by the Facilitator
- Ask for any additions to the story sign-up sheet. We try to be sure that everyone who came prepared to tell and wants to get a chance. This is the time to find tellers who’ve missed the sign-up sheet. If we run out of time, this is the order to use
- Introduces/explains the Process for Critical Response
- Asks who would like to be first, next, etc. Maintains pace
- Allows time for responses to each story as per Process sheet
- Stops about 8:30 to allow for quick information exchanges or in September, January or May, THE BUSINESS MEETING
- Makes sure each teller has written down name, story and source for the newsletter
- End the meeting at 8:55 and invite everyone to exit the library by 9:00 sharp. We can linger outside to talk more
- Gives the attendance sheet and the story sign-up sheet to the Newsletter Editor,
Claire Nolan
The Facilitator ensures that the group follows basic understandings we tellers and listeners have come to through our years of trial and error:
- No one reads a story. Sometimes a guest misunderstands and thinks we are a writer’s group. Our purpose is to TELL stories.
Critiques need to be helpful, encouraging, giving positive support.
- For stories longer than 20 minutes, a teller calls the facilitator ahead and “books” time.
- Too many stories for the time? The Facilitator waits to tell his/her own story ‘til last or
waits ’til next month. About 8:20, a consensus can be reached on who from the sign- up sheet will tell the last one or two stories.
- Too few stories for the time? The facilitator may tell more than one story if she/he wants to, or may know a storytelling game, or invite ideas from the group. No one
should feel responsible for telling all the stories on a night when there are few tellers.
- Tellers need protection. To provide the best possible setting we avoid interruptions or writing during the telling. Early departures are between stories.
- Fall in love with a story heard here? If you long to tell it too, it’s good to talk to the teller first to see how he/she feels about it.
- Latecomers enter quietly, hold still, and are seated in the circle between stories. There is no time to introduce the circle all over again; you’re on your own.
Questions often asked by newcomers:
How do you learn to tell stories?
- How did Story Circle begin? What are its goals?
- A quick referral to to the Talespinner which lists workshops or to the Goal Statement
(at bottom of Critical Response sheet) and/or your number for later. This keeps from taking time away from storytelling. Be fierce.